Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

All workshops, training and Coaching are highly interactive with maximum audience and client participation.

NLP is all about quick change. People will visit psychotherapists, psychiatrists and therapists for years on end and it becomes a coping mechanism as opposed to a way to fix peoples’ problems. I liken long term therapy like that to being ill and taking a lot of pills and medicines instead of tackling the root cause and actually getting better. I’m a firm believer people shouldn’t have to live a life of suffering and that real change is achievable by anyone. The trick is knowing how. NLP was developed by studying some specific people who were achieving amazing results in the therapy and psychiatry world – Virginia Satir, a family therapist, Milton Erickson, a hypnotherapist and Fritz Perls, father of Gestalt therapy. These individuals had successes unlike any other practising therapists at the time and NLP was born off the back of studying these amazing individuals and structuring what they were doing into something that other people could learn. NLP is all about quick change and has many applications. I tie it into my other services and have listed some of its exceptionally powerful change mechanisms below all of which are available to carry out in an NLP session.

Do you have something that you really like that you wish you didn’t? People use this for such things as stopping eating some food that they like but is really damaging their health, also for things like smoking or drinking. It can be used for pretty much anything though. Alternatively there may be something you dislike but actually wished you liked. Again this could be for various food items or drinks. I had one fellow who didn’t like Tea but wanted to drink it for the health benefits. He now drinks it on a regular basis! It can also be for something that you don’t like – spiders or some such. (In these cases if it was an actual phobia I would recommend the Fast Phobia model which can remove a phobia in only a few sessions, sometimes just one.) This technique is for something which you have a negative or inappropriate reaction to but isn’t quite a phobia. My brother had this with Spiders, he now does not have the extreme and inappropriate reaction he used to have. He doesn’t go around hugging spiders but he is now more indifferent to them and if anything finds them interesting.

A Limiting Belief is some belief about yourself which negatively impacts your life. This could be feeling that you’re not good enough, not clever, not confident, bad with money, bad at relationships, never going to find love, not skilled enough, you always have to worry, people don’t listen to you etc. I’m sure you get the picture and I could go on and on. We can be very creative when limiting ourselves! We can however turn that creativity to empower us instead and let go of any of those old Limiting Beliefs that are no longer serving you. Imagine how amazing it would feel to let go of your Limiting Beliefs, imagine what you could accomplish!

We can use this technique to change any unwanted behaviours or states. This could be anything from a feeling/state – bad, anxious, unhappy, nervous, doubtful etc – to a behaviour – biting your nails, grabbing that chocolate bar at the petrol station, criticising someone etc. You will learn to let go of and delete this old behaviour or feeling and replace it with something far more empowering and in line with your true self.
This is often used and useful in family, work or relationship situations where there is conflict and you can’t see eye to eye. It allows you to step out of yourself and see things from different vantage points, hear different points of view and feel others emotions, thereby developing your awareness and understanding and ultimately leading you to a successful resolution.
This is a way to anchor positive emotions and feelings to certain parts of your body so you can call on them anytime you’re feeling in need. I think of it as your own little power button you can push whenever you need a boost. Politicians and all sorts of performers around the world use this technique to make them feel confident, happy, excited, powerful or any other positive emotion. Say for instance you had a big presentation to deliver at work and while you knew you’d put the work in and done your best, you also knew the big boss and some key players were going to be watching and it could either positively or negatively impact your career. As a result you’re feeling a bit anxious, nervous and worried. After creating some positive anchors for you, stacked up to create maximum effect, on the big day you activate the anchors just prior to your delivering your presentation, flooding you with a surge of positive feelings such as confidence, self-worth, excitement and self belief, meaning you deliver an outstanding presentation with nothing hindering you or holding you back.
Collapsing Anchors is a way to take you from a negative state to a positive state automatically. A common one this is used for is procrastination/motivation, but can be used for anything where you feel in a negative state and want to move to a more positive one.

We all have strategies for doing various things in our life. Our brains use 20% of our bodies' energy at rest and so need ways to save energy – enter habits, strategies, generalisations etc. These are evolutionary brain developments which mean we can sit in any car, no matter how different and know how to drive it (even if we do hit the wipers when we mean to indicate). Why, even though we are confronted with a door we've never seen before we don't have to start anew to work out how to open it. Sometimes however our habits and strategies no longer serve us and we need to make a change. How do you change something that’s automatic though? Enter this technique. People have strategies for buying things, relationships, communication, self-talk, studying, motivation, even spelling etc. Often these strategies are missing an important step or are just not working for us. Any of these strategies can be altered to serve the you you want to be, and can be!! Can’t you?!

This is a quick and remarkable way to get rid of a Phobia. It doesn't matter how bad it is this will help you!! Normally you will see change after just one session and depending on the severity we may need a few sessions to get rid of the Phobia but I've seen people terrified of dogs where they wouldn't want to go within a mile of one and now having a huge Alsatian as a pet and never being happier! A woman who couldn't bear to travel on a plane and now laughs every time. It's truly remarkable. I sometimes think that the wizards and witches of old had just discovered the techniques of NLP and called them magic.

This is one of my favourite NLP techniques because I think it’s just so effective and powerful. Do you ever feel like you’re conflicted inside? Like there are two parts of you battling out? You might be someone who is a loving and caring person and that’s who you know you are, but sometimes you get frustrated and criticise those you care about. Perhaps over something that really doesn’t matter and then you just feel like crap afterwards. Well this is having two parts in conflict. We are often affected by how we were raised, both nature and nurture play a part, and we often revert to that behaviour we experienced growing up, even though we know it doesn’t serve us or anyone else. 

It might be you feel at times intelligent and at times stupid, at times confident and at times terribly shy and nervous, sometimes selfish and sometimes very sharing. All of these parts at their highest point are there to serve you in one way or another, but some do so negatively. This technique brings these parts together so they are working as one for the same cause, which is you, and in a positive and helpful manner. I have seen this technique create amazing change in people and it is wonderful being witness to the life changing realisations it can cause.

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